Author Expertise and Positionality Statement

Last updated: 10/21/24

Welcome to A Season of Learning. These author expertise and positional statement relates to

Every blog has an about me page, but they don’t often disclose things that are very important for a reader to know and consider when reading a blog. In my full-time job, there’s an expectation that when there is an opportunity for a person’s expertise and lived experiences to affect the writing they are putting out, a positionality statement is also expected to occur. A positionality statement is a fancy term for telling your reader about your educational background and lived experiences and, thus, your potential biases that could influence your writing. I hope that in learning about me and why I write what I do you can understand what might also apply to your life and what you can decide would not work for your life.

My Background

I am a married woman who has two daughters who are in elementary school. I work a professional full-time outside the house job and write this blog as a passion project. My primary job is outside of medical and allied health professions. I grew up in a conservative part of the state but currently live and thrive in a liberal part of California. I enjoy being outside and making health a priority in my life. Beyond my IBS, I am a generally healthy middle-aged person.

My Goals

When I was first struggling to figure out my digestive issues, I could find people talking about their digestive issues on social media but not on blogs. When I looked at blogs, they were either mainstream medical sites that have valuable information but lack a personal connection or personal sites that don’t share where they found their information. My goals with this site are to be transparent and to show where I found information about my digestive issues in that it may also help you. It’s the sharing I saw on social media but not in blogs. I share my background to give context to my experiences, and my main goal of this blog is to offer encouragement and transparency to anyone seeking solutions.

How Does This Affect You?

While our backgrounds and circumstances may vary, I hope my experiences can spark ideas or encourage you to explore options. For example, if you live somewhere else, you may have different grocery stores than I mentioned I go to. However, someone else in the comments may know of stores in your area. Please choose to consume the content that works for you. While many things in our lives dictate how we can live differently from one another and still connect over shared experiences.

I aim to share personal experiences to help others feel connected while always encouraging consultation with health professionals. In short, by disclosing my background and lived experiences, you can make better-informed decisions about my writing and whether they apply to your life.